Top Tips for Removing Sod From Your Yard

How to remove sod from your yard.

It's that time of year again when yardwork and landscaping improvements take priority. Removing sod from your yard to make room for a new flower bed or other yard enhancements can prove difficult if not done correctly.

Many methods are available for removing sod. The one that works best for your yard depends on your situation and landscaping goals. Is manual removal best or should you use a gardening machine specifically designed for this purpose? Let's take a look at the various ways to remove sod from your yard to achieve the best results.

Tools Needed for Removing Sod

The tools for removing sod are dependent on the overall situation. Are you removing a small area or a large one?

At the minimum, if you plan to remove sod manually, you will need the following tools:

  • A sharp spade, edger, or shovel
  • A water hose or sprinkler
  • A spade or pitchfork
  • A wheelbarrow or other transportation for removal of sod from the site

If you are simply removing and disposing of the sod, the use of an edger is not necessary. Edgers are best for cutting precise strips in existing sod that make it easier for relocation elsewhere.

Special Considerations for Successful Removal

It is important to understand that removing the sod involves more than just the top layer of grass. Including the attached layers of dirt anchored to the sod is part of the successful removal process.

Before attempting to remove the sod, know that there are recommended techniques to ensure the process goes smoothly.

1. Water the grass

Watering the grass is an important step in preparing sod for removal from your yard. Before you dig, thoroughly water the entire area. Then allow it to dry out for a few days. This will make the soil moist, which aids in easier removal. The soil will stick together without being too heavy to move.

2. Cut into it

Use your sharp spade, shovel, or edger to cut around the perimeter of the sod you plan to remove. It is best to cut the sod into 1-by-2-foot strips or into 1-foot square pieces. Be sure to include the top layer of soil.

3. Pry it up

This is where the pitchfork and spade will come into play. Use the pitchfork or spade to dig under the sod and cut through the deep taproots. Be sure to shake any loose soil back into the ground once the sod section is lifted.

4. Roll it up

Depending on the length of your sod squares, you may be able to roll them up like pieces of carpeting for easier transport. If they are not long enough to roll up, stack them. If you plan to reuse them, stack them near the site where they will be transplanted.

When to Call the Sod Experts

Successfully removing sod from your yard is not always as easy as it sounds. Removing large areas of sod is a laborious, back-breaking job that is best left to the professionals. Delta Charlie Sod offers its sod expertise to residents and businesses in the San Francisco area. Since 2012, we have served as a reliable source for all of your sod needs. Our products are locally grown in the delta, with the Central Valley and Bay Area environments in mind.

If removing sod is proving difficult, reach out to the experts at Delta Charlie Sod today for a free quote. We are available to discuss your specific needs to find the solution that works best!